среда, 9 апреля 2014 г.

#Mimicry in #bellydancing .
In my opinion, one of the main components of belly dancing is mimics. Sometimes, our own facial expressions are not enough to convey the meaning of the song.
I am one of those who think that belly dancers must learn facial expressions no less than learn it actors. For the base, you can take the Arab clips and movies. It is important in everyday life to notice how people convey emotions and which gestures they use. We must remember that in #Raks_Sharqi dance not only body, dance also eyebrows, eyes and lips. Nothing can replace a good mimics of the dancer.
Not enough only smile. We must learn to change emotions during we are dancing. Music leads us - listen it and catch the mood .
Even in the most "simple», "pop " song you can "play" . If the music sounds the same type , with one mood, it does not mean that on the face should be the same one mood the whole song . How play in this kind of music ? You can think for yourself "roles" like " here I am embarrassed ," " sad here " . Try to write your story for this composition.
#Arab _classic_music is very rich and not simple at all. There are a lot of rhythms change, entry into the different moments different musical instruments, Taksim (solo instrument) maval (solo voice ) . Listen this music , look for translations, feel , and, finally , in any song you can add facial expressions, which will be suitable for this music , convey the meaning of the song and will show you real and true...

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